Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Disco Duck by Rick Dees

I have to say, the first time I heard this song, I was at work. My co-worker both looked at each other when this song came on and burst out laughing. Now, whenever it comes on the radio we turn it down because the song is just so annoying and, for lack of a better word, stupid. Having said that, there are many elements of this song which make it likeable. For example, the song ties you in within the first few seconds with a catch line of an electronic sounding quack. Simple lyrics put to the right rhythm can sound like a good song. This song captures the interest of listeners by inserting a piece of their childhood by using the voice of Daffy Duck. The simple drum line aims to maintain a constant beat to make sure the song remains catchy and fun to listen to. The chorus includes female vocalists, as well as Daffy Duck’s voice over top to add more layers to the song. There is also one other vocalist in the song. The voice of a male in the beginning and scattered throughout the song as well. After reviewing this song and listening to it constantly, I’m starting to like the song a lot more for the elements it uses to capture interest that is not used very often. The use of Daffy Duck is, in my opinion the most interesting.
The bass guitar lines are a fun addition. It is played almost as if you are to tap your foot. It has that bouncy feeling to it. The layers in the song start with just a quacking, then builds up to a bass guitar, drums, and trumpets. The build up is gradual but very exciting because the song makes you want to hear more of Daffy Duck. The simplicity of this song is obvious, but does not show when it comes to the entertainment given from it. Before analysed, I would have rated the song 3 out of 10, but after listening to it looped and reviewing it, I would give it at least a 6.5 out of 10.
This song is by Rick Dees is a comedic musician so this is just what we should expect from him. In closing, this song is very amusing, and although somewhat annoying, it is fun to listen to. Unfortunately, due to the simplicity of this song, this is all I can review after analysing all the layers and elements in the song.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with everything you have stated in the above. And one last piece ... this song is my new favourite.. good pickin's :)
